Today's rare plant mentions in CEQA documents
- SCH #2024070894 (Folsom, Sacramento County)
- SMUD Folsom Office --- Public Draft ISMND --- .PDF
- Mentions of rare plants in this PDF:
- ...Project site. Pincushion navarretia (Navarretia mysersii), Sacramento Orcutt grass (Orcuttia viscida), and...
- ...Boggs Lake hedge hyssop (Gratiola heterosepala) rely on vernal pools and lake margins to grow and...
- ...reproduce. Similarly, Sanford’s arrowhead (Sagittaria sanfordii) grows in marshes and swamps. The...
- SMUD Folsom Office --- ISMND Appendix.PDF
- Mentions of rare plants in this PDF:
- ...Pincushion navarretia (Navarretia myersii), Sacramento Orcutt grass (Orcuttia viscida), and Boggs Lake hedge...
- ...hyssop (Gratiola heterosepala) rely on vernal pools and lake margins to grow and reproduce. Similarly, Sanford’s...
- ...arrowhead (Sagittaria sanfordii) grows in marshes and swamps. The Lake Natoma would be too large and swift to...
- ...Orcuttia viscida...
- ...Ceanothus cuneatus...
- SCH #2024070895 (, Kern County)
- CDFW_Kern_Hatchery_ISMND_July_2024_combined.PDF
- Mentions of rare plants in this PDF:
- ...project area...
- ...(Monardella linoides ssp. anemonoides), Palmer’s mariposa-lily (Calochortus palmeri var....
- ...palmeri), alkali mariposa-lily (Calochortus striatus), Mojave tarplant (Deinandra mohavensis),...
- ...and rose-flowered larkspur (Delphinium purpusii) (MESA 2023). No special-status plant species...
- ...high potential to occur. The Kern River daisy (Erigeron multiceps), southern Sierra monardella...
- ...(Monardella linoides ssp. Anemonoides), Palmer's mariposa-lily (Calochortus palmeri var....
- ...palmeri), alkali mariposa-lily (Calochortus striatus), Mojave tarplant (Deinandra mohavensis),...
- ...and rose-flowered larkspur (Delphinium purpusii) have all been evaluated with potential to occur....
- ...Carlquistia muirii...
- ...Cryptantha incana...
- ...Diplacus pictus...
- ...Githopsis tenella...
- ...Ivesia campestris...
- ...Lewisia disepala...
- ...Stylocline masonii...
- ...Viola pinetorum...