Today's rare plant mentions in CEQA documents
- SCH #2022060506 (, Monterey County)
- IS_PLN210174.PDF
- Mentions of rare plants in this PDF:
- ...heterotricha), small flowered gypsum loving larkspur (Delphinium gypsophilum ssp....
- ...parviflorum), and Abbott’s bush mallow (Malacothamnus abbottii). In addition to eight plant...
- ...Amsinckia douglasiana...
- ...Calycadenia villosa...
- ...Caulanthus lemmonii...
- ...Clarkia jolonensis...
- ...Eriogonum elegans...
- ...Eschscholzia hypecoides...
- ...Layia heterotricha...
- ...Navarretia nigelliformis...
- ...Delphinium gypsophilum...
- ...Malacothamnus abbottii...
- ...San Benito Poppy (Eschscholzia hypecoides) is a California Rate Plant Rank (CRPR) 4.3...
- ...Elegant Wild Buckwheat (Eriogonum elegans) is a CRPR 4.3 species endemic to the central...
- SCH #2024091018 (, El Dorado County)
- NOP_IS Flume 45 Critical Water System Infrastructure Project.PDF
- Mentions of rare plants in this PDF:
- ...canopy openings during the field survey include wax leaf raspberry (Rubus glaucifolius), western...
- ...other was keyed to Group 11. The target species, Sierra arching sedge (Carex cyrtostachya), is in Group...
- ...known occurrences of Pleasant valley mariposa-lily (Calochortus clavatus ssp. avius), a California Rare...
- ...(Calochortus clavatus var. avius), could potentially occur on the project site. There is limited suitable...
- ...Allium tribracteatum...
- ...Botrychium ascendens...
- ...Botrychium montanum September...
- ...Bruchia bolanderi...
- ...Calochortus clavatus...
- ...Carex cyrtostachya...
- ...Draba asterophora...
- ...Draba asterophora...
- ...Eriogonum luteolum...
- ...Eriogonum tripodum...
- ...Helodium blandowii...
- ...Horkelia parryi...
- ...Juncus digitatus...
- ...Lewisia kelloggii ssp....
- ...Lewisia kelloggii ssp....
- ...Lewisia longipetala...
- ...Meesia uliginosa...
- ...Monardella linoides...
- ...Peltigera gowardii...
- ...Phacelia stebbinsii...
- ...Poa sierrae...
- ...Navarretia prolifera...
- ...Arctostaphylos nissenana...
- ...Botrychium ascendens...
- ...Botrychium minganense...
- ...Carex cyrtostachya...
- ...Chlorogalum grandiflorum...
- ...Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeeae...
- ...Horkelia parryi...
- ...Phacelia stebbinsii...
- ...Viola tomentosa...
- ...Viola tomentosa...
- ...Allium tribracteatum (three-bracted onion)...
- ...Arctostaphylos nissenana (Nissenan manzanita)...
- ...Balsamorhiza macrolepis (big-scale balsamroot)...
- ...Botrychium ascendens (upswept moonwort)...
- ...Botrychium crenulatum (scalloped moonwort)...
- ...Botrychium minganense (mingan moonwort)...
- ...Botrychium montanum (western goblin)...
- ...Botrychium paradoxum (paradox moonwort)...
- ...Botrychium pedunculosum (stalked moonwort)...
- ...Bruchia bolanderi (Bolander's bruchia)...
- ...Calochortus clavatus var. avius (Pleasant Valley mariposa-lily)...
- ...Cypripedium montanum (mountain lady's-slipper)...
- ...Draba asterophora var. asterophora (Tahoe draba)...
- ...Draba asterophora var. macrocarpa (Cup Lake draba)...
- ...Eriogonum luteolum var. saltuarium (Jack's wild buckwheat)...
- ...Eriogonum tripodum (tripod buckwheat)...
- ...Helodium blandowii (Blandow's bog moss)...
- ...Horkelia parryi (Parry's horkelia)...
- ...Lewisia kelloggii ssp. hutchisonii (Hutchison's lewisia)...
- ...Lewisia kelloggii ssp. kelloggii (Kellogg's lewisia)...
- ...Lewisia longipetala (long-petaled lewisia)...
- ...Meesia uliginosa (broad-nerved hump-moss)...
- ...Monardella linoides ssp. oblonga (Tehachapi monardella)...
- ...Navarretia prolifera ssp. lutea (yellow bur navarretia)...
- ...Ophioglossum pusillum (northern adder's tongue)...
- ...Peltigera gowardii (veined water lichen)...
- ...Phacelia stebbinsii (Stebbins' phacelia)...
- ...Poa sierrae (Sierra blue grass)...
- ...Eriophyllum lanatum...
- ...Erysimum capitatum...
- ...Claytonia parviflora...
- ...Gilia capitata ssp. mediomontana...
- ...Rubus glaucifolius...
- ...arching sedge (Carex cyrtostachya), which is in Group 1 and 4....
- ...Group 11, so it is not the special-status target species, Sierra arching sedge (Carex cyrtostachya), which is in Group...